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- Radical Confidence Building: A Controversial Guide 🚀
Radical Confidence Building: A Controversial Guide 🚀
Step out of your comfort zone with strategies that challenge conventional dating advice. Learn how extreme actions can lead to fast results.

Now, once we know all we need to have to be successful with women is the proper vibe.
To radiate this masculine energy that attracts women without words, to become this authentic natural guy.
The moment you gonna get this proper vibe you will feel it on the subconscious level.
You will automatically always know what to say, how to say it, which girl to approach, how to position yourself, and you will automatically start conversations on the streets.
You're not gonna be thinking, you just see the girl, and you automatically will find what to say according to the environment, according to what's happening now.
In short, you will be very comfortable around women.
The reason why virgins are stuck in the loop of virginity of not being able to attract any woman at all, and there are a lot of virgins who are staying virgins until the age of 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 is because they're nervous around women.
Those women feel nervous.
So how do you achieve this vibe in the shortest period?
I'm warning you guys, if you want to have extremely fast results, I'm pretty sure you want those extreme results, you gotta do extreme actions.
There is no sugar coating.
You guys know me, I always say it as it is.
So here's your life-changing exercise.
You need to bang 20 prostitutes, not girls, not seducing ugly girls, prostitutes.
I understand for a lot of people this exercise will be very hard to do because you're gonna have to leave a comfort zone, especially if you're a virgin.
But in reality, this exercise is fun.
If I had had more time, maybe I would add to this course later I have time, I would love to do this exercise.
This exercise is fun to go ahead and bang 20 prostitutes.
For me it's easy, but I know how frustrating it is.
It's going to be for a lot of people.
I remember how frustrating it was for me.
But this is your fastest way to become successful with women naturally.
There are no shortcuts.
Don't overthink, don't think that, "Oh, if I'm gonna start talking to thousands of girls, 200 girls on the streets, I'm gonna get this feeling, this vibe."
You won't.
Until you do it, no matter what, until you do that, you will not be successful with women.
Now, let me get into the details.
You need to bang not only 20 prostitutes, but you need to do it in the shortest period, a maximum of three months.
If you bang 20 prostitutes within two or three years, yes, it's still gonna improve your game, but it's not going to have as merely the same results as if you would have done it in a matter of three months.
If you have like two, or three girls a week, you're gonna get completely different results.
So every third day, you have to have sex with prostitutes.
Of course, you're gonna need a little bit of money for that, but this is the fastest, shortest way to approach seducing women naturally.
This exercise has so many advantages.
Oh my God, I don't even know where to start listing those exercises.
First, you're gonna remove the fear of sex.
I don't know where this fear comes from, but I talk with some guys, a lot of guys, virgins ask me questions.
And every time a virgin writes me, I tell them what to do.
Or even the guy who's been with a woman, but not too many women, every time I tell them what to do, well, just go bang prostitutes.
They always get frustrated.
They always find reasons why not to do it.
And I know why it's happening because I remember there was a point in my life where I would talk to a girl, I'd go on a date.
She's given me all the science to go to her place, but for some reason, I get afraid of sex.
I have this fear of sex.
I was afraid not to get hurt.
I was not ready.
You know, I'm not ready for sex.
You know, this fear gets it.
Like I know a lot of you guys can relate to that.
And the moment women start feeling your nervousness, she gets immediately turned off.
So the first thing that this exercise is gonna do is gonna wipe out your fear of sex and you will be looking forward to having sex.
And when you look forward to having sex and you want to have sex naturally, of course, your interaction with women will be smooth.
Listen, it all boils down to you guys bought this course because you want to have more sex in your life.
Well, here's your sex.
Okay, yeah, you're paying for sex, but it is sex.
It is your final result.
So again, guys, you know me, I'm all about actions, not like this theoretical knowledge.
I'm all about actions and getting your personal experience.
Tomorrow you can start improving.
You know what to do starting tomorrow, right now, right after watching this video.
It's not like you're stuck in a suspended situation where like, oh, where do I start?
Okay, the George course is good.
Like a lot of good knowledge.
But what do I do to start understanding women?
You know what to do.
You need to go and start banging prostitutes.
I'm giving you the actual actions, the blueprint, what you need to do.
Now the fact that you haven't had sex with prostitutes, like again, like think about how it affects your instincts, your instincts, your subconscious, lizard brain.
It doesn't know that you are paying for sex.
It does not.
All it knows is that you are having sex with a lot of different women.
Your instincts, like you guys all want to be this internally confident guy.
Those instincts will understand the fact this guy, which is you having sex with a bunch of different women every week, you have two, three women.
It builds your, internal confidence when you can say what you want, and say what you think.
You don't care about other people's opinions.
Because you are confident internally because you train your instincts to understand that you are having sex with women.
You are high valued man internally, not for the outside world.
Internally you are a highly valued man.
That's how you build your confidence.
The moment you start banging those prostitutes, you get experience, you get comfortable being around women.
You get comfortable walking around naked around women.
Because I remember I had those fears of like, I felt shy being naked around women.
But when you've been naked around so many women, like right now, every time I have a chance to show my dick to a girl, I do it.
I can be sitting with a girl on a date.
I can start joking, hey, you won't touch my dick, you won't touch my dick, like give me your arm, give me your arm.
And I will take your arm and put it under the table to touch, touch my dick.
And from the first module, you guys know women are craving sex 24/7.
Women like dicks.
Women like touching dicks.
And like for you to do that, while you're on a date giving her my dick, like you have to be comfortable being naked around women.
And the only way to achieve it is not through my videos but through your own experience.
You're also gonna get very comfortable talking to women.
Because when you're gonna go to have sex with those prostitutes, you're paying for an hour, you get done in 10-20 minutes, and then you have 40 minutes to chill.
So I've been talking to, well I know a lot of prostitutes because I've done this exercise.
And I had a lot of conversations with them.
In my first prostitutes, the conversation was awkward.
All those prostitutes thought that I was a creep because I was asking her weird questions.
But after my 56 prostitutes, I became so comfortable, I could talk easily to them about any topics.
And they would start opening up about their profession, about their business, what they think about it.
And they say, being a prostitute, like 90% of being a prostitute is not sex, but she feels that she's a psychologist.
Because like a lot of married men come to them to have sex, and after sex, they want to talk to them, and they pay extra for an hour, another hour, another hour, just to talk to a girl.
So use this time, use those 40 minutes to your advantage to become comfortable talking to women.
And you can, those prostitutes, they're usually very honest, you can start asking them questions.
What do you think about this?
What do you think about that?
And they'll tell you honestly what women want.
So when you start doing it, don't finish and leave right away.
Have a tea with her, give her extra tips, like here's 20 extra dollars for her.
Before you start the conversation make her really like you, have a conversation, have a chat, have a tea, like smoke a cigarette with her.
Another thing that you're going to start feeling is that you're going to start seeing sex as a very primitive, basic process.
There is nothing special about sex.
Automatically, after a few different women, you're going to lose this crazy neediness energy with women.
You're not going to be that needy dork anymore.
One time on my channel, I said that 99% of all your desires, like you want something, not because you need it, but because it's not available to you.
People want to buy a Ferrari, not because they want to have a Ferrari, but because that Ferrari is not available to them.
I'll give you my example.
I dreamed all my life about buying myself a Ferrari.
When I started my business, I became very successful.
The moment I was able to afford to buy a Ferrari, I started thinking, why the hell do I need this car?
This car is very expensive, way overpriced, very inconvenient, and not a daily driver.
It depreciates its value fast.
You can't park it anywhere.
You can't leave it anywhere.
I took a test drive for a Ferrari, very inconvenient to drive, and very low to the ground.
Oh my God, everyone is looking at you.
You quickly lose this interest to buy a Ferrari.
People dream about having a yacht, not because they need a yacht.
Okay, you bought the yacht, where are you going to swim?
What are you going to do on this yacht?
Once a year, you're going to be paying for this yacht for the whole year, and once a year, you're going to take your family on vacation on the yacht, and all your friends, maybe twice a year, but you're going to be paying a crazy amount of money on this yacht.
So the moment you're able to afford the yacht, you realize you don't need it.
The sex and women are the same way.
The reason why a lot of men crave sex so much is not because they want the sex, but because sex and women are not available to them.
Anyone who bought this course, who doesn't have problems with women, tell me that this is the truth, that you get like women get old, like you, in terms of like, you realize like once you start having sex, that you don't want sex that much.
You don't want to have sex with all those different women.
Yeah, when I learned to become successful, I think only for the first two months, I had a lot of fun with women.
Yeah, I had like every day, I had a different girl, all kinds of women, like hot women, ugly women, blondes, brunettes, like all kinds of women.
But after two months, I was like, man, this shit is boring.
It's like so much more interesting to make YouTube videos, to hang out with my boys, to talk about religion.
Like this sex is not the interesting thing.
And the reason is you can't understand it until you have a lot of sex in your life until sex is available to you.
But once you start going to the prostitutes, you'll realize, holy shit, sex is so available.
The question is whether I have a hundred dollars or not.
And most of the people, I'm pretty sure you can get a hundred dollars.
So once you know that sex is available to you at any moment in time, you become this normal, cool, chill guy with women.
Because you guys need to understand there is a healthy appetite and there is overeating.
Like right now what's happening with those people to whom sex is not available, Are you guys overeating sex?
You think about sex 24/7, you dream about sex 24/7.
All you want is to have sex.
But once you have it, you should have a healthy appetite.
Like when you go on a date, imagine if you fucking prostitutes every week, and you go on a date with a normal girl, you're going to be chill.
You're not going to be forcing her to go, you're not going to be acting like you're trying to seduce her to have sex the same day or to have sex as soon as possible.
You'll be chill.
You'll be like, "Hey, what's up girl?
Let's go on a date."
Because if something's not going to work out, you know sex is available to you at any moment in time.
All right, you go on a date, she's acting bitchy, like the date doesn't go as planned, it's like, "Ah, fuck that bitch."
Next day you go and bang the prostitutes and you're having fun, you know what I mean?
Now you have forgotten about this girl.
Then you go on the next date, now you're just going to feel comfortable.
So when it comes to women, how many times have you heard this advice that the last thing you want to do is to show a woman that you're needy?
And the reason why you're needy is because you don't have sex.
Women are not available to you.
So this exercise will wipe out this problem entirely.
The moment you do this exercise, all your crazy neediness will disappear.
I keep repeating myself because I'm trying to convince you.
This is the hidden germ.
And when you are not needy, when you have a cold head, you're not emotional, this is the perfect vibe, the perfect state to talk to women.
Why are you going to have this state?
Because you know at any point in time you can have sex with a prostitute.
So after this exercise, you will get the subconscious mentality of a cool, chill guy.
And please agree with me, this is something that I cannot teach how to be this guy.
You cannot learn it from watching videos.
You can learn it through your own experience.
When you go through that, and the good thing is you have me because I've seen several times situations where guys would go through prostitutes like they have to go through like 50-60 prostitutes before they become comfortable with women.
But the reason for that is because they don't know what they're trying to achieve with prostitutes, they just go there to fuck.
But once you know your purpose why you're going to fuck those prostitutes, you go to fuck those prostitutes not because you want to fuck, well probably because, but also you'll be watching, you'll be analyzing your internal, the whole emotional state, you're going to be analyzing your vibe, because you know where to look to, right?
With my help.
So every time you'll be leaving that prostitute, every time you bang successfully, every time you were able to get hard and bang that bitch, you'll be coming out like this.
I am the fucking man, yeah just fuck that bitch.
Oh my god, I had great sex.
I'm telling you guys, this is the hidden gem.
Even after one prostitute, you will feel the difference.
After five prostitutes you'll be a completely different man, after 10 prostitutes you will start getting kind of annoyed by those women, you might have a little bit of hate towards those prostitutes, but you need to push her through to 20.
Like after the 10 prostitutes that's when you kind of like get on the next level, you're like "Ah fucking sex again, again, again, again, it's getting annoyed" and that's what I want you to feel.
I'm telling you guys, just this information alone costs $1000, imagine how much time, how much energy I'm saving you.
Because I'm telling you, you will feel it, you'll be like "holy shit George, this exercise works".
Your fear of approaching women on the street, and your fear of randomly starting conversation with women will disappear completely.
You will catch yourself how you can easily able to start casual conversations with women in the line, wherever you go, wherever you see a woman.
You have this right vibe, you will feel it.
And you will feel that words are coming out automatically while talking to those women.
You see a girl, and you automatically start a conversation with her "Hey girl, what's up, what's up, how's it going, I'm this and that", you know what I mean?
Again I'm telling you, it will fix all your problems, period.
Plus another very important lesson that you're going to learn, you're going to learn subconsciously that all women are the same.
A lot of guys who are not successful with women, who haven't had a lot of women in their life, they're looking for the unicorn, they're looking for that "the one girl that I want to marry and dedicate my life to".
And those guys, always, every time they start talking to a girl who is out of their league, they get emotionally attached to them right away, they fall in love, they get screwed up, they lose their respect towards her, and this relationship crash.
Because they don't understand subconsciously that all women are the same.
The whole is the whole, it doesn't matter, the beautiful girl and an ugly girl, all have the same whole, there is no difference.
Because when you go through prostitutes, sometimes you'll have ugly prostitutes, sometimes you're going to have beautiful prostitutes, but while you'll be fucking, you'll realize "holy shit, the whole is the whole", once you turn her face around and start banging her, fucking it's all the same.
So again, this exercise subconsciously will make you realize that all women are the same.
Until next time
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