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- From East to West: A Bold Exploration of Dating Confidence
From East to West: A Bold Exploration of Dating Confidence
Join me on a provocative journey through dating practices around the world, offering you an unfiltered look at boosting self-assurance through unique experiences.

Now, well people buying the scores from all over the world.
In most of the countries, prostitutes are available everywhere.
Like you can just google it, prostitutes, individuals, you know, individual girls.
You can find them anywhere.
Like I don't think I need to write an email on how to get prostitutes.
Just Google search.
In Europe, there are prostitutes everywhere.
In Eastern Europe, they write advertisements everywhere.
In Russia, in Saint Petersburg, everywhere you go there's like advertisement.
"Anna, call me", you know, all this.
I mean, you know what I'm talking about, right?
Now, the only problem where to get prostitutes is in Western countries like the United States, and Canada.
Most of the people who bought the scores are from the United States and Canada.
So I guess I need to cover this topic of where to get them for Americans.
And, for everybody else, I'm going to give you the best way to go about it.
Even if you live in Europe, Eastern Europe, and you have prostitutes available, there's a better way to go about it.
I'll tell you my experience, how a bit of my life experience.
I think you guys are interested in those types of topics.
When I just came to America you guys all heard about the website Craigslist.
Back in the days, in 2008, they had a section, you know, they sell cars, trucks, meets new people.
And there was like a separate section called Escorts.
That's where I used to get prostitutes in 2008.
Now, then Craigslist removed that thread and there was another website that popped out that was called Backpage.com.
Maybe the older generation, remembers those websites.
That website Backpage.com, was just like Craigslist, but most of the time people went there not to buy and sell stuff, but to find girls like prostitutes.
That's where I was getting those girls, I think in 2011, 2012, I was getting myself, prostitutes, there.
Now that website has been seized by the US federal government.
Now, it's really hard to get girls in America.
Like I'm pretty sure you can get them in the hood.
When you drive in the hood, there's like girls walking around.
But it's very sketchy.
Those prostitutes look like shit.
But in the United States, if you just Google prostitutes near me, there's some weird website will pop out.
I think there's one website called Webcrawlers.com.
There's like a bunch of prostitutes you can find there.
Alright, guys, I'm just doing a Google search, Escort Services near me.
I'm currently in Fairfax, Virginia.
And you can see there are a bunch of websites.
Again, guys, I don't know these websites.
I haven't tried them.
I'm pretty sure they're legit, but you might get raided by the police.
You might, you never know.
Maybe it's the police setting up those websites.
And all those beautiful women that you see, it's all fake.
Like when you go there, you're not going to see those beautiful women.
Like this one, she looks hot.
I guarantee when you go there, it's probably her photos from like 10 years ago.
Usually, this is how it goes.
So yeah, you see she charges $150 an hour.
But again, at this point, we don't care about women to be beautiful.
We care about just fucking those women, you know.
But like fucking, I can't recommend you doing this because like what the fuck, it's illegal in America.
And I would love to go actually and test it for you, but then I'm going to get fucking arrested or something.
But you can see it's not hard to find.
And the problem is all those fucking prostitutes are ugly as fuck.
Oh my God, like I would not go there.
All the girls from the hood, fucking white trash, fucking posting their photos there.
Man, those fucking women are ugly as fuck.
And they fucking charge like $100 is the worst fucking ugliest bitch you'll find there.
Like usually the price in America is $300, $400 per prostitute.
It's a lot of money.
So what I recommend you do, is save some money.
Like $3,000 will do the job and you can make $3,000 in America easily.
And go for a vacation.
Go to Thailand.
Thailand is a sex tourism of the world.
If you've never been to Thailand, you gotta fucking check it out.
If you live in America, man, don't waste your money in Thailand on local prostitutes.
Just take a fucking vacation.
Go to Asia.
As you see, that's why it's called effortless attraction.
You live in your life with full potential.
You travel in countries.
You learn a new culture.
You gotta live, you guys are all stuck in America, man.
You gotta see the world.
You gotta open your horizons.
Visit Asia.
Man, Asia is fucking, when I visited Asia, oh my God, I love Asia so much.
It's like a completely different world.
It's so interesting.
Like I fucking love Asian people.
And I love Asian culture.
I've never been to China.
I wanna visit China and Japan.
Japan is the number one place I wanna go.
But Thailand is a capital of sex tourism.
There is a city, it's called Pattaya.
Don't go to Bangkok or there's like some other cities.
Go to Pattaya.
In Pattaya, there is a street called Walking Street.
All you need to do, you learn in Thailand.
It's dirt cheap there.
Man, you can get a hotel for like 30 bucks.
All you need to do is go to Walking Street.
And there will be bars and all these like girls, they're all working girls.
They'll be like calling you, "Hey, come, come, come, come, come, come, come.
Hire me, take me, take me, pick me."
And then what you're gonna see, your confidence will be growing so much.
All these women will be like fucking fighting for you.
Imagine you go to the place.
Imagine what it's gonna do with your instincts, with your confidence.
Oh my God, women want me, women like me.
They'll be like, "Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."
You'll be like, "How much?"
Right now, I think the price is 2000 baht, which is about, I think it's like $60 for a night with a girl.
And when you're gonna be like rejecting them, "No, no, let me just walk," they'll get upset.
They'll be like start almost crying.
And it does something with your confidence, with your instincts.
And you'll be like, "Holy shit, what the fuck is going on?"
You will feel your confidence.
And you can take a vacation for a month.
Well, in America, it's hard to get a vacation, at least for two weeks.
But every day you can run through those girls.
They're only 60 bucks.
Get the girl 60 bucks, 60 bucks.
And just have a fucking blast.
If I was American and I wanted to do this exercise, instead of fucking going to those fucking ugly ass bitches, hood bitches, white trash, fucking I would go to Thailand, save up some money, go to Thailand, man.
Like, "Holy shit, man, maybe I'll go to Thailand before New Year."
If I'm gonna go to Thailand, if I'm able, if I have enough sales on this course if I can pay off all my debts, I'll go to Thailand, I will film.
You're probably gonna see it in this course if I will be able to pull it off.
Maybe I will add those lessons later.
But yeah, man, like the first time I went to Thailand, how old I was, like 17, I think.
Man, I had a blast.
I fucked so many women there, dirt, fucking cheap.
And it sets me off like really early on, on the right track on meeting women.
I was like, "Oh my God, sex is so available."
And yeah, man, like that's what I would recommend.
If you live in Eastern Europe, you don't have to do it.
You have like plenty of hot fucking prostitutes in Eastern Europe.
I'm talking about Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia.
You guys have no problem with that.
Even though, even if you live there, those Russian chicks are still kind of expensive.
You go to Thailand, they have some fucking hot Asian women out there.
Well, the problem with Thai girls, their face is fucking ugly.
Man, like I don't know, it's really hard to find an Asian Thai girl who would have a nice face.
Mostly their face is ugly, but their body is awesome.
But what do you care?
The whole is a whole, right?
You turn her around, in a doggy-style position, you don't see her face, so you're fucking her from the back.
You're fucking experienced, you're getting your fucking confidence.
Holy shit, man, this is your solution, guys.
Check it out.
It's just a quick email.
I want to tell you where to find those prostitutes, but I'm telling you, I would love to do that.
It's just like, it's a matter of money.
Like, I cannot record it by the time I release this course because I was selling this course at the pre-sale.
I can't touch this money, because what if guys are not satisfied?
They will request some refunds, I gotta be prepared for that.
So I'm not touching those money, that's why I'm not doing it.
But maybe by the time you watch this course, probably lessons about my Thai emails will be available by then.
But yeah, guys, like fucking Thailand is the place to go for sex tourism.
And again, you don't have to do anything.
You land in Thailand, you go to that walking street, and I'm gonna plug in some emails, of what's waiting for you there.
You're gonna be like, "Holy shit, what the fuck is this?"
Yeah, that's the solution too.
Again, guys, until you do this exercise, you're wasting your time with women.
You need to put all your effort right now into saving up some money and going on vacation to Thailand, to see the world, to meet those women, to have a bunch of sex in your life.
This is what's gonna be... 60 bucks!
It's only 60 dollars for a fucking hot Thai girl.
It's fucking nothing.
There are some clubs, if you want to have hot Russian women, there are Russian prostitutes, and you can get them there.
There are some Ukrainian prostitutes.
Ukrainian women are the hottest women in the world.
Well, they are a little bit more expensive.
I think they go for 100, 150 dollars.
But for 300 dollars, oh my God, you're gonna find the fucking Queen of Thailand there.
That's the fucking place to go, guys.
And the funny thing is that everything is so cheap there.
To fucking...
The hotel costs 30 bucks.
The food a day costs like 5 dollars.
You go to nightclubs and buy a beer, it's only like 3 dollars per beer.
It's fucking dirt cheap.
Yeah, guys, Thailand is the place to go, I'm telling you guys.
Man, I hope you enjoyed this course.
I hope you enjoyed this course.
I hope I'm helping you guys out.
It's like it comes from a genuine place.
I'm trying to help you out.
It's not about really making money.
I want you to be successful, honestly.
Because I'm giving you pieces of advice.
It's not like I'm giving you advice, something that I haven't done.
I've done it myself.
I've been to Thailand and I want to go to Thailand again.
And again, guys, right?
What I like about this fact is that you have to go to Thailand, right?
It's you're living your life.
You're living your exciting life.
You're going on vacation.
It's like, man, you're going to have so many memories.
So much life experience.
So many emotions.
You're going to learn the culture.
You're not focused on meeting women.
I'm pretty sure if you're going to buy somebody else's courses.
You're going to have to struggle.
Go and see those and meet those women in the mall getting rejected.
They're teaching you how to become confident.
You can't become confident if you don't have your life experience.
Your positive life experience.
And when you go to Thailand, you're going to be walking around.
People will be craving on you, jumping on you.
Oh, take me, pick me, pick me, pick me.
It's going to boost your confidence.
That's how you get confidence.
Remember I said many times you get your confidence not from emails.
But from positive results.
From positive experience.
Not just experience.
That's why basically what I did like maybe in my life, a thousand approaches on the street.
And at the thousand approaches, a thousand times I got rejected.
My confidence didn't grow.
Haven't grown one bit.
I still was an insecure guy.
It doesn't help.
Those rejections, actually destroy your confidence.
But if you have positive results, that's what builds your confidence.
And in Thailand, you're going to have positive results.
Because you're going to be seeing how women jumping on you like fucking crazy.
My confidence in women grew exponentially when I went to Thailand.
Holy shit, when I came back from Thailand, I was the most confident guy among all our friends.
Because I had so many positive experiences when women jumped on me, guys.
This is your solution.
Like if you're American, you're watching in America, you're living in Canada or Europe, and those prostitutes are expensive if you don't have a lot of money for prostitutes, right?
Man, you can save up to $3,000 easily.
And I have a course on my YouTube channel like you can make $500 a day if you live in America easily.
Man, I covered everything for you.
Any mistakes, any problems that you might run into, I'm covering that.
And what I like about my approach, it's that I never stress out about women.
I'm living my life, and you need to live your life.
And if you're going to be living your life, having fun, learning culture, you're going to be self-improvement so much.
All those people, they do that self-improvement shit.
They fucking terrorize themselves.
Every day, wake up at 5 a.m.
Fuck that shit.
Go see another culture.
Like for example, I want to go to India, right?
Because I want to see Indian culture because it's so interesting, so fascinating.
I want to go to Africa, you know, someplace to Ghana.
Like I want to see how people live.
If you go travel, your life will not be the same.
Like traveling does something to you.
It's like really takes you to the next level of understanding world, of stop being egoistic, and start seeing that oh, there are other people, there are other cultures, and like America is not number one.
Maybe you can learn something from their culture and bring it with you.
You're going to be a next-level human, guys.
Like I'm telling you, don't be stuck in the Western countries.
You got to go see those Third World countries to see how poor people live, how poor people survive, how they think.
What I like about Thailand, they have this mentality of being constantly happy.
You will see how those Thai people, they're poor, but they're all happy.
They're not stressing out about work.
They're living their life.
And it just like does something to your brain.
It's like it just improves you by so much.
Oh my God, like fucking I love Thai people.
Their culture, their mentality.
I want to go to Thailand not because I want to fucking bang a lot of women.
Of course, I want to do that too.
But I kind of want to learn Buddhism because they have this fucking culture of not giving a shit.
Well, I'm a person like that already, but I kind of want to learn more about living your life happily without having too much money.
Like you see, I'm a broke guy, right?
Well, now I have started selling courses.
Improve my financials, but even though my life didn't change one bit, I still go to the same store I go to.
I'm not spending that money on a lavish lifestyle.
I'm not spending this money at all.
I'm going to take that money and reinvest it into another project.
But what you guys did, you bought me time.
Now I don't have to stress out about work.
But the reason why my life, nothing changed in me, is because even when I was working as an electrician, I had enough money to be happy like the way I am.
Like nothing changes.
You know what I mean?
And the reason why, is because I've traveled the world.
I've seen how poor people live.
I live a poor life myself.
And I'm telling you, money doesn't make you happy.
Like you can become happy right away.
If you just go to Thailand, you have those experiences.
You're going to be like, oh my God, like traveling is a fantastic fucking way to self-improve.
Yeah, man, just go to Thailand, guys.
I'm telling you.
And not only are you self-improve, not only you're getting yourself life memories, not only you're learning new cultures, and visiting new countries, and you're also self-improving yourself in the field of confidence with women, and in the most effective, fastest way.
Oh, thank you.
But I'm not a lady.
You're not a lady?
What are you?
I'm a ladyboy.
And you don't believe me?
You are not a ladyboy, are you?
I'm a ladyboy.
You are gorgeous.
I'm a ladyboy.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you either.
Oh, why?
You're a lady.
I'm a ladyboy.
About two years ago, I made the spontaneous decision to leave New York City and travel and live here across the entire world to Bangkok, Thailand.
I'm going to show you behind the scenes how much I spend here living a very comfortable lifestyle.
The result of this email may surprise you, so stick around to this entire email.
Just in context, I am not a frugal conservative spender, nor am I an extremely luxurious spender that's going popping bottles every single night.
I'm somewhere like right in the middle.
I would appreciate it if you take a second to like this email and subscribe.
It helps my small channel out.
Let's start with the first topic, which is housing.
All right, guys, welcome to the condo.
I'm just going to do a quick little tour.
We have our restroom, then we have our first bedroom.
Now let's step outside.
We have the second bedroom.
Popo's potty section.
The kitchenette right here is very compact.
It has all the essentials.
And now we have our living room space.
And that's pretty much it.
So that was the condo tour.
This fully furnished, pet-friendly condo is 18,500 baht.
And for utilities, I pay an extra 3000 baht, which brings out the housing total to 21,000 baht.
Just a side note, if you're only visiting Bangkok for like a month or less, the average condo is 20,000 baht a month.
You're probably going to spend 40 to 50,000 bahts a month just for the same condo.
That's generally your kind of markup for places like Airbnb or short-term rentals.
But you can find some good deals on like Facebook marketplace.
Also, if you're visiting Bangkok, I would recommend living in Sukhumvit.
But if you don't want to live on that Sukhumvit road, you can live kind of on the outskirts of the city.
And save a hundred dollars off rent.
So it depends on what your budget is.
Now we have to talk about the other essential cost of living.
My phone bill is only 300 baht a month.
And for my visa, I have an educational visa, which allows me to stay in Thailand for 15 months.
I pay 30,000 baht to attend Thai classes.
And I pay an extra 38,000 baht to a visa agent who pretty much does all the paperwork.
So in total, I pay 68,000 baht for 15 months.
Comes out to roughly 4,500 baht every single month.
Next is my health and fitness training.
I have a gym membership here that costs me 1200 baht every single month.
I take a bunch of different supplements for my health and my fitness.
All those supplements cost me 3,350 baht every single month.
All those essential living costs come out to 9,800 baht every single month or $269.
Next up, we got to talk about everybody's favorite subject, which is food.
Thailand is famous for its flavorful, cheap, just delicious, and spicy street food.
You can theoretically go every single day spending less than $10.
But it's not that practical, nor is it health and fitness.
So realistically, you're not going to be eating street food for every single meal here in Thailand.
Street food like noodles, rice, and meat, or a set of skewers is going to cost you about 100 baht on average or about $3.
But if you want to go into a sit-down restaurant, the same food is going to cost you about $10 or about 300 baht.
Now let's talk about groceries.
So this is everything we got. 1,500 baht.
On average, I go grocery shopping three times a month spending about 1,500 baht per trip, which brings my monthly total for grocery shopping to 4,500 baht.
My breakfast is free because I pretty much either skip it or cook it at home with the groceries I already paid for.
On average, I eat lunch about 15 days outside, spending about 300 baht per meal.
That's going to equal 4,500 baht per month.
For dinner, I typically go outside and eat probably about 20 days of the month, spending on average 700 baht, which includes my and my girl's meals.
And that's going to equal about 14,000 baht every single month.
Now if we add up all those totals for groceries, for eating out, for eating inside, the total is going to come out to 23,000 baht every single month or $660.
Now that was food.
Now let's move on to transportation.
The main modes of transportation are taxi cars, taxi motorbikes, tuk-tuks, metro stations, public buses, and of course, walking.
Transportation here is very, very cheap.
You can get a 20-minute Uber ride, which would cost like $50 in California.
That same ride in Thailand would only cost you about $5.
Let's say your destination is 5 kilometers away.
If you were to take the train or a motorbike, it would cost you about $1.
If you were to take a taxi car, it would cost you about $4.
The most expensive option would be if you were to take a tuk-tuk, which would cost about maybe $10.
The number one most convenient mode of transportation here is of course the motorbike.
It's the quickest and it is the cheapest.
So all in all, for a month, I typically book about 10 taxi cars, 20 taxi motorbikes, and about a dozen trips with the metro station.
Adding all that together, in an average month, I spend about 2,000 baht.
I spend about 2,900 baht just on transportation.
Now let's talk about leisure.
Leisure for me includes my social life and then also occasionally shopping.
Let's start with the social life aspect.
Now Bangkok is fun.
You can easily get lost in the sauce here because there's just a lot of things to do.
You can find yourself spending an enormous amount of money on partying, clubbing, getting tables, popping bottles, and getting girls.
That can easily be your biggest expense and you can find yourself going broke if you're not careful.
For me, on a chill weekend, I might get some Korean barbecue and some dessert with my friends.
Maybe spend about 1,000 baht that day, so that's about $30.
If it's a party night, I might grab a cigar, spend about 1,000 baht on that, then go to the club, then go to a couple of parties, spend maybe 1,000 to 2,000 baht more on drinks or maybe a table.
So the costs depend on how crazy and how hard I'm going that night.
On a given month, I spend about 10,500 baht just on my social life.
Now this is more on the conservative side because I don't typically go out that much.
On average, I go out and socialize maybe about once, or two times a week, so nothing crazy.
When I first came to Thailand, I was going out very, very regularly like every other day, so this was my biggest expense, but nowadays I'm more chill.
Next up is shopping.
This is going to include the impulsive purchase.
Maybe I might find a 300 baht shirt that I like, just some random shopping.
I don't shop too much.
I probably spend about 2,000 baht in this category.
That brings the total cost of socializing and shopping to 12,500 baht or $360 a month.
So that pretty much covers all the different categories of what it's like to live here in Bangkok, Thailand.
Now let's summarize every single category and add up all the totals.
For housing, which includes rent and utilities, I spend about 21,500 baht.
For my living expenses, such as my health, my gym, and my visa, I spend 9,380 baht.
For transportation, I spend 2,900 baht.
For food, which includes groceries and eating out, that total is 23,000 baht.
That's my biggest expense.
And then for leisure, which includes socializing and shopping, that total is 12,500 baht.
Adding up all those totals, this is how much it costs to live here in Bangkok, Thailand.
The total for me is 69,290 baht or $1,990 every single month.
I don't know if these results surprised you or if you kind of expected this, but for me, I think this is a very modest amount, considering I spent like 2-3 times more in New York and I have a much better lifestyle here.
Unlike in America, you kind of have these budgeting calculations and stuff, but here in Thailand, I'm just doing whatever I want.
I never think about money here.